
Featured Work: Sudden Silence [Lucid Loss]

Hello and welcome! I’m Anika, let me tell you a little about me.

In college, I had three areas of study, all in different schools. For me, what links them all is my love of storytelling. I believe having a well-rounded understanding of how to communicate drastically increases your effectiveness and reach.

I’ve been to 19 countries. I am perpetually curious about the world around me. I love to connect with people who live lives that look nothing like mine. I’m so grateful for the people I’ve met who trust me with their stories. I believe that perspective is a gift and even when it hurts, the lessons you learn from it are reflections of truths that are worth considering.

I am a photographer and writer. By documenting the world as it is- not how you want it to be -you provide insight into the current state of things. I believe news is more than negative headlines; unfortunately, good things whisper and bad things shout. Luckily for me, I’m an optimist to a fault.

I puzzle things out as I go, and I’m not afraid of a challenge. So I shall continue to stumble through life, collecting stories and pictures and words, and I will continue to be grateful for the perspective I build and the lessons I carry with me as I go.

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