The Kansas African Studies Center

*Editor’s Note: I worked as a Graphic Design/ Communication Outreach Assistant for 10 months at the Kansas African Studies Center in the Global and International Studies Department. In this role I extensively used Adobe InDesign to create promotional, educational and informational posters and programs. I also directed the use of photos during the redesign processContinue reading “The Kansas African Studies Center”

Betty: The KU Women’s Ultimate Team

I have been a Betty since the Fall of 2022. In May of 2022, I was elected the Social Media and Photography Chair for the team and fufilled this role until January of 2023. This role included taking team and individual player photos, creating videos for alumni and prospective members, running the team’s Instagram, TwitterContinue reading “Betty: The KU Women’s Ultimate Team”

The Pentagon Papers: Media Writing for Audiences, Final Project

In the Fall of 2021, I took Media Writing for Audiences. The purposes of the class were to develop writing skills for different types of writing like news stories, press releases, marketing briefs, social media posts, blog posts, profiles, interviews, broadcast scripts, and events. At the end of the class, all these skills were accumulatedContinue reading “The Pentagon Papers: Media Writing for Audiences, Final Project”


*Editor’s Note: This was our final assignment for Journalism 300: Visual Storytelling. We chose a topic and created a concise and professional infographic. Everything on the infographic had to be original research, and all visual elements had to be created by us. This infographic was created using a combination of Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator.Continue reading “Infographic”

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