American Conservation Experience Data Analysis

Summary of Work I got hired in September of 2023 to act as a third-party independent contractor to collect, sort, analyze, and produce clear visualized findings of the physical locations of the American Conservation Experience’s (ACE) projects over four years. The goal was simple, to understand the physical distribution of work ACE has done post-pandemicContinue reading “American Conservation Experience Data Analysis”

Breakfast- Multimedia Project

*Editor’s Note: This was an assignment for Advanced Photojournalism where we put together a multimedia project of our own design. I chose to do a photoshoot and set it to music. I partnered with Ruby Lester, my subject, who helped design the vision of the photo shoot. I worked very closely with her to ensureContinue reading “Breakfast- Multimedia Project”

What I Learned In South Africa

A Personal Essay (Aided by the street artists of Cape Town) By: Anika Kieler August 2023 *Editor’s Note: I recognize that this work is a little long, so for a shorter version I recommend Part 2, Part 5, Part 6, and/ or Part 8. I believe people travel for one of two reasons. They’re eitherContinue reading “What I Learned In South Africa”

Vegetable, Mineral, No More Animal

The Story of the 60 Most- Endangered Animals and the Increasing Range of Threats Against Them *Editor’s Note: This was an assignment for Journalism 309: Data Storytelling. I compiled a 61-row/13-column dataset about the 60-most endangered animals and the threats against them. Using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Tableau, I was able to transform andContinue reading “Vegetable, Mineral, No More Animal”

The Pentagon Papers: Media Writing for Audiences, Final Project

In the Fall of 2021, I took Media Writing for Audiences. The purposes of the class were to develop writing skills for different types of writing like news stories, press releases, marketing briefs, social media posts, blog posts, profiles, interviews, broadcast scripts, and events. At the end of the class, all these skills were accumulatedContinue reading “The Pentagon Papers: Media Writing for Audiences, Final Project”

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